Far Cry 6 - Gameplay and First Impressions

 In july last year we got our first look at far cry 6

and that was a dramatic cinematic 
trailer some screenshots and basic information about the game however today finally we get to see some that juicy gameplay 
and learn more about what this massive 
game has in store for us there's a lot to take in here a big thanks to ubisoft for sponsoring this one and let me have a peek at the game early now for those not familiar with far cry 6 this time around it's set in the tropical nation of yara an island deep in the heart of the caribbean 
that's not so loosely based on cuba 
it's quite different from hope county 
though the fictional region of montana
from far cry 5 and it's also 
a return to a tropical setting according 
to ubisoft it's their most 
ambitious world yet and they want you to 
feel like you're really exploring an 
entire country with 
jungles beaches villages town swamps and 
of course the capital city the game's first built up urban environment 
and you can of course expect plenty of 
wildlife too 
in this game you play as danny rojas a 
guerrilla fighter born in the country's 
capital city 
of esperanza you can customize dany at 
the beginning of the game with two 
different character models available
male or female both with their own voice 
acting and you're part of a revolution 
yara's ruler and dictator anton castillo
played by none other than giancarlo 
and the cutscenes do look fantastic anton has been in power for 50 years and the island has been cut off from the world after a violent revolution and this plays into the story of the game because the country itself
is essentially isolated and frozen in 
and this is shown in the architecture 
weaponry and vehicles around the place
anton is determined to return yara back 
to its former glory but in doing so he's
[ __ ] down on most of the freedoms of the 
issued brutal social reforms and anyone 
who speaks out against him
is forced into labor camps one person 
alone is not a revolution though
although it can be the spark 
and you're going to need some friends to
help you out clara garcia is the friend 
of libertad a revolutionary group fighting
back against anton castillo and she's 
the main protagonist that you work with
and then her mentor juan cortes also 
happens to be a guerrilla master and
master of invention 
and he will provide you with all of the
weapons that you could ever need 
speaking of which let's talk about guns
first of all far cry 6 has the biggest 
roster of weapons in any far cry game
with 49 military grade weapons now 
because of the era and the country of
yara being lost in time you should 
expect modern weapons but also
older generation guns from the 
revolution and earlier wars
lmgs sniper rifles assault rifles you 
name it there's also armor-piercing
rounds that will help kill enemies who 
are wearing helmets
and explosive arrows to go with the 
compound bow at the core of the game
though is a system called resolver 
this applies to other parts of the game
too but it's most apparent when it comes 
to the weapons resolver
is a real life philosophy from cuba and 
it means to solve
and it's all about using resourcefulness 
and creativity to get things done
in yara because the island has been cut 
off for decades people have become used
to making do with what they have 
and making the most of it this means
you're going to be able to make use of 
some very wild and wacky weapons
scavenging sardine cans car batteries 
old motorcycle engines car mufflers you name it it
could be used as a weapon 
and it makes for some very different
combinations it's not just the weapons 
themselves either it also includes
attachments such as scopes you're going 
to be able to add suppressors
sights different magazines laser 
pointers and while some of them will be
military grade there will also be 
resolver versions of them too
and alongside all of the impressive 
weaponry you're going to have a few
gadgets at your disposal 
their own eyes will be great for silent
and stealthy kills emp 
grenades are brilliant at taking out
cameras and alarms and of course 
baseballs for nothing other than hitting
enemies in the head to distract them 
before you take them down
you can also customize all of your gear 
and perks are tied directly to the gear
this time you can change your headgear 
chest hands legs feet by changing up different
pieces of gear 
you'll find ways to complement your play
style for example marksman goggles will 
improve headshot damage being incredibly
if you want to snipe at a long distance
or you're accurate and vest pants and 
shoes can give you stuff like improved
stealth and mobility and gloves can 
improve accuracy with throwing knives
there's a lot of customization 
in this game you also get something
called supremo backpacks something new 
to the series these are very much in
line with the resolver philosophy the 
backpacks come with a special
ability like the exterminator pack which 
is an insane looking artillery strike
sitting there waiting on your back these can be really useful if you've sounded
an alarm or you're in trouble they can 
then blow up any reinforcement at range
and there are others that you can choose 
from too all having unique attacks now
artillery backpacks are cool and all but 
do you know what would be really cool a
pet crocodile 
called guapo that can attack people for 
you thankfully 
you're in luck because that's exactly 
what you're getting thanks for 
hire is back in far cry 6 but this time 
they're called 
amigos for hire you may have already 
seen the little wiener dog in a 
wheelchair called chorizo 
he's one of the amigos that you can call 
on but guapo is a very different ally 
as you can imagine he's great in the 
water and really useful in swampy areas 
of the map 
and well it's just funny insane 
hilarious setting a crocodile 
on an unsuspecting enemy so you've got 
your guns you've got your pet crocodile 
but you're gonna need some wheels in far 
cry 6 you can travel by land sea or 
air although air could be a bit more 
tricky to begin with and i'll explain 
why in a minute in far cry 6 players 
will now have their very own ride and 
it'll be customizable inside and out and 
you can have it delivered pretty much 
anywhere around the world the resolver 
theme carries across to the vehicles as 
well so expect 
turrets plows countermeasures and plenty 
of other customization options for your 
wheels and there are horses too 
if you want to be old-school getting 
around the world isn't going to be 
entirely straightforward though anton 
has the country under a very 
strict ruling and the capital city of 
esperanza is under martial law 
speaking of which this capital city is a 
huge sprawling urban environment 
something quite different from far cry 6 
and that brings with it some very 
interesting unique verticality in the 
gameplay it's going to be really 
interesting to see 
how well he can traverse through the 
city and the rest of the world 
the roads themselves are controlled by 
checkpoints and anton has flat cannons 
controlling the air 
these play a part of the story and you 
are able to take control of the 
checkpoints too 
fighting your way through to overrun 
them and this will make traveling by 
road easier 
and yes destroying the flat cannons one 
by one will enable you to fly 
uncontested they are in military areas 
all over the island though 
so it could take some work outposts of 
act two called fnd bases the military 
has just taken over everything here 
museums tv stations farms there's a ton 
of locations that used to belong to 
citizens of yara and you can fight 
through them 
capture them all and try to return them 
to the people this isn't the first 
revolution here though there was one 
back in 1917 
and thanks to that there is a sprawling 
network of hidden paths that libertad 
and yourself can use to get around the 
underground locations hidden jungle 
routes all can be used if you want to 
get around and avoid trouble 
they can also get you new gear and intel 
but if you do want to risk it in plain 
sight far cry 6 has a new feature that 
lets players holster their weapons 
and this lets you interact in the world 
without being pestered by soldiers 
constantly get too close though or enter 
a restricted area 
and you're going to be in trouble so 
wrapping things up today 
it looks like far cry 6 is shaping up to 
be a really fun experience the world 
is incredibly detailed and varied and it 
seems that there's a ton of 
customization in the game from the guns 
the gear and the vehicles to really 
allow you to have some fun and 
epic moments as soon as i can get that 
crocodile though guapo 
i think that's all i might do and while 
the game is telling a pretty 
serious dark story it will be allowing 
you to have fun along the way 
and that's all guys.
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